Showing 1 - 4 of 4 Results
Redefining Sexual Ethics: A SourceBook of Essays, Stories, and Poems - Susan E. Davies - Pap... by Davies, Susan E., Haney, El... ISBN: 9780829809121 List Price: $24.95
Great Commandment A Theology of Resistance and Transformation by Haney, Eleanor H. ISBN: 9780829812459 List Price: $12.95
A Feminist Legacy: The Ethics of Wilma Scott Heide and Company by Haney, Eleanor H. ISBN: 9780931911026 List Price: $8.95
Vision and Struggle: Meditations on Feminist Spirituality and Politics - Eleanor Humes Haney... by Haney, Eleanor H., Sims, Sy... ISBN: 9780962462603 List Price: $4.95